Designer's Toolkit: Creating a great portfolio website

We caught up with Drawn in Bristol member Laurie Stansfield this week to find out what inspired her super new portfolio website.

It's important to get your professional website right, as it's the first representation of your work that a lot of people will see.

We love Laurie's approach, complete with illustrated buttons and personal finishes which give an instant feel for her work.

'A website of your own is great for showing all your work in one place,' says Laurie.  'There's plenty of great platforms for creating an online presence, which allow you to network while showing your work, but a website is a nice solid space that you will have made your own.'

As well as being unique to Laurie's bold and colourful style, her website has been crafted in a way that is easy to navigate, cleanly designed and separated into definitive categories.

Laurie was able to give us some pointers to get us started:

 Make a good first impression.
Use an image that you want to be associated with.

 Prioritise function.
When a site is easy to navigate and loads quickly, a pleasant experience is associated with your work.

 Take your time.
There are plenty of Youtube videos and forums full of advice.  Learn how to master the program you're using; cutting corners can let you down.

 Enlist a friend.
When categorising your work, imagine who you are showing each section to.  It can help talking ideas aloud with someone else.

 Be your own brand.
Even if it feels scary to put yourself 'out there' as a product, embrace the idea that people will be looking at your work.  I found that it helps me take myself and my work more seriously.

We're really impressed, and will definitely be checking back to see what new creations Laurie has dreamt up for her portfolio!  You can take a look for yourself at or view more of her work here.